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Executive Order 1466


MMHA has asked our attorney to issue a memo addressing the new Shelter in Place Order by Governor Reeves. It is listed below. Please read intently and remember ultimately you must decide how to continue to conduct your business. I have spoken to MDOT and they are issuing permits with no problems. Executive Order 1466

I also talked to Ricky Davis with the State Fire Marshal’s office and they do have personnel working At the office and the inspectors will continue to perform site and home inspections. Tim Fagerburg is processing the property locators as the office receives them. All retailers and manufacturers should inform their transporters and installers of the information in the memo below.

Please continue to exercise all Health safety

precautions when dealing with the public.

Jennifer Hall

MMHA Executive Director

On March 25, 2020, MMHA members were furnished a memorandum concerning Governor Tate Reeve’s Executive Order No. 1463 responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. That memorandum defined essential businesses and operations whose work was necessary to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. On March 30, 2020, MMHA members received a first update when Governor Reeves indicated the Executive Order was “a floor statewide” for local governments where local leaders can build on it in their community’s best interest.

This memorandum is to report that yesterday, April 1, 2020, Governor Reeves issued a shelter-in-place order for the state of Mississippi through a new executive order which goes into effect at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 3, and will remain in place until 8 a.m. on Monday, April 20. Individuals are to shelter-in-place unless authorized to work or otherwise be outside their home as specified in the executive order, a copy of which is attached.

You should determine whether or not your business is an essential business as set out in the order and prior orders including Executive Order 1463. If you are not an essential business, you are to stop all activities other than those necessary for minimum operations (e.g. payroll, health insurance, security) so that employees may work from their homes as they enabling employees to work from home.

You may determine your business is an essential business (or component parts of it are an essential business). Examples include utilities; financial services; construction and construction related services; moving and relocating services; real estate services including appraisal and title services; businesses providing services for safety, sanitation, and the essential operation of residences and Essential Businesses or Operations; and home repair. These businesses (or the applicable component parts) may remain open under to operate at a level that is necessary to provide essential services and functions. For example, “appointment only” scheduling may meet this limitation.

All open businesses should continue to follow social distancing guidelines by maintaining a 6-foot distance from others and avoid groups of 10 or more (your employees and your customers combined) and should utilize appropriate hygiene and health precautions. You should decide whether you elect for your business to remain open. Businesses who remains open may provide employees with a letter explaining why that person’s work is an essential business under state executive orders and local government restrictions specifically citing the provisions applicable to your business and attaching that to the letter. An explanation of how MDOT suggests suppliers complete a form letter and explain what they are doing when questioned by law enforcement officers is attached.

Business choosing to remain open may find that they are subject to further limitations under county or municipal authorities whose authority is not limited by any Executive Order. Please review all local executive orders and regulations prior to continuing business operations. If you have questions concerning the restrictions by local governments, contact your local government or your legal counsel.

You should continue to review and monitor any new pronouncements from federal, state and local governments and follow those. MMHA will strive to update you from time to time as we work through the COVID-19 outbreak.



1001 Airport Road | Flowood, MS 39232 | 601.939.8820 | MMHA Copyright © 2017

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