Rules and Regulations for Manufactured Housing in the state of Mississipi
Title 19 Part7; Chapter 5 Rules and Regulations for the Uniform Standards Code for the Factory-Built Homes Law
As Adopted, Pursuant to the Administrative procedures act, Section 25-41, MS code, 1972 annotated revised and updated October 01, 2016
Rule 5.01: Promulgation and Purpose
Rule 5.01.1: General
Rule 5.01.2: Definitions
Rule 5.01.3: Use of Manufacturer's Installation instructions
Rule 5.01.4: Manufacturer's Installation Instruction Unavailable
Rule 5.01.5: Instructions for Installation of Used Multi-Section Factory-Built Homes
Rule 5.02.1: Rules and Regulations
Rule 5.02.1-1: Licensure of Manufacturers, Developers, Retailers and Installers/Transporters
Rule 5.02.1-2: Manufacturer License Application
Rule 5.02.1-3: Retailer/Developer License Application
Rule 5.02.1-4: Repossession and Resale
Rule 5.02.1-5: Installer/Transporter License Application
Rule 5.02.1-6: Tax Identification Number
Rule 5.02.1-7: License Fees
Rule 5.02.1-8: Manufacturer Monitoring Inspection Fee
Rule 5.02.1-9: Investigation and Examination of All License Applicants
Rule 5.02.1-10: Non-Compliance
Rule 5.02.1-11: Annual License Renewal Application
Rule 5.02.1-12: Licensee Bonding and Insurance Requirements
Rule 5.02.1-13: Operating Without a Privilege License
Rule 5.02.1-14: Installation Inspection
Rule 5.02.1-15: Site Preparation, Anchoring, and Blocking Requirement.
Rule 5.02.1-16: Time Period Allowed for Installation Rule 5.02.1-17: Property Locator/Certificate of Installation Submitted by the Retailer/Developer
Rule 5.02.1-18: Property Locator/Certificate of Installation Submitted by the Installer/Transporter
Rule 5.02.2: Factory-Built Home Installation Inspection Program
Rule 5.02.2-1: Purpose
Rule 5.02.2-2: Scope
Rule 5.02.2-3: Mississippi Factory-Built Home Installation Program Standards
Rule 5.02.2-4: Installation Inspection Requirements
Rule 5.02.3: Installation Inspection Procedure
Rule 5.02.3-1: Scheduling of the Inspection
Rule 5.02.3-2: Inspection Fees
Rule 5.02.3-3: Contract Rights Not Affected
Rule 5.02.3-4: State and Local Permits
Rule 5.02.4: Certification of Installation
Rule 5.02.4-1: Certificate of Inspection
Rule 5.02.4-2: Procedures for Re-inspection Upon Failure to Pass
Rule 5.02.4-3: Cost of Re-inspection
Rule 5.02.4-4: Scheduling of Re-inspection
Rule 5.02.4-5: Inspection Decal
Rule 5.02.4-6: Inspector Qualifications
Rule 5.02.4-7: Verification of Installer/Transporter License
Rule 5.02.4-8: Site Preparation by Homeowner
Rule 5.02.4-9: Waiver of Rights Invalid
Rule 5.02.4-10: Violations and Penalties
Rule 5.02.5: License Exceptions
Rule 5.02.6: Manufacturer Qualifications for License
Rule 5.02.7: Retailer Qualifications for License
Rule 5.02.7-1: Temporary Promotional Retail Sales Activity
Rule 5.02.7-2: Safeguarding the Public Interest
Rule 5.02.7-3: Retail Sales with In-house Transport and Installation Staff
Rule 5.02.7-4: Training Requirements
Rule 5.02.7-5: Vehicle Decals
Rule 5.02.7-6: Retail Lot Display and Temporary Storage
Rule 5.02.7-7: Inspection of Retail Lot Units and Records
Rule 5.02.8: Developer Qualifications for License
Rule 5.02.8-1: Safeguarding the Public Interest
Rule 5.02.8-2: Developer Sales with In-house Transport and Installation Staff
Rule 5.02.8-3: Training Requirements
Rule 5.02.8-4: Vehicle Decals
Rule 5.02.9: Installer/Transporter Qualification for License
Rule 5.02.9-1: Safeguarding the Public Interest
Rule 5.02.9-2: State and Local Compliance Requirements
Rule 5.02.9-3: Training Requirements
Rule 5.02.9-4: Contract Requirement
Rule 5.02.9-5: Vehicle Decals
Rule 5.02.9-6: Recordkeeping
Rule 5.02.9-7: Responsibility for Transportation Damage
Rule 5.02.9-8: Temporary Installer/Transporter License
​Rule 5.03: Inspection Procedures
Rule 5.03.1: Authorized Inspections of Manufacturing Plants, Retail Locations, and Installer/Transporter
Rule 5.03.2: Inspection Findings of Non-Compliance
Rule 5.03.3: Requirements of Factory-Built Homes for Human Habitation
Rule 5.03.3-1: Anchoring and Blocking
Rule 5.03.3-2: Installation Inspection
Rule 5.03.3-3: Skirting of Factory-Built Homes
Rule 5.03.3-4: Factory-Built Homes Designated for Use Other Than Human Habitation
Rule 5.03.4: Consumer Complaints
Rule 5.03.5: Violations and Penalties
Rule 5.04: Minimum Standards for Blocking, Anchors, And Tie Downs
Rule 5.04.1: Standards for "Coded" Areas
Rule 5.04.2: Standards for "Non-Coded" Areas
Rule 5.04.3: Windstorm Protection and Wind Zone Designation
​Rule 5.04.4: Data Plate and HUD Label Requirements
Rule 5.04.4-1: HUD Label
Rule 5.04.4-2: Data Plate
Rule 5.04.4-3: Missing HUD Label and Data Plate
Rule 5.04.4-4: Factory-Built Homes That Shall Not Be Transported
Rule 5.04.4-5: Preparation of Manufactured Housing Units for Transportation
Rule 5.05: Installation Standards For New Factory-Built Homes
Rule 5.06: Installation Standards For Used Factory-Built Homes
Rule 5.06.1-1: Planning
Rule 5.06.1-2: Soil Conditions
Rule 5.06.1-3: Site Grading and Drainage
Rule 5.06.1-4: Raised Soil Pad
Rule 5.06.1-5: Determination of Proper Site Preparation
Rule 5.06.1-6: Written Contract on Site Preparation
Rule 5.06.1-7: Site Preparation by Homeowner
Rule 5.06.1-8: Removal of Organic Material
Rule 5.06.1-9: Clearance Under the Home
Rule 5.06.1-10: Sloped Site Installation
Rule 5.06.1-11: Ventilation of Under-floor Areas and Moisture Barrier Recommendation
Rule 5.06.3: Sites Prone to Flooding
Rule 5.06.4: Soil Classification
Rule 5.06.5: Soil Type/Bearing Capacity
Rule 5.06.6: Required Piers and Anchorages
Rule 5.06.7: Pier Construction
Rule 5.06.7-1: Single Stacked Piers
Rule 5.06.7-2: Pier Caps
Rule 5.06.7-3: Shims
Rule 5.06.7-4: Removal of Organic Material
Rule 5.06.7-5: Protection From Frost Heave
Rule 5.06.7-6: Corner Piers
Rule 5.06.7-7: Double Tiered Pier Heights
Rule 5.06.7-8: Cast-In-Place Concrete Piers
Rule 5.06.7-9: Pier Footings
Rule 5.06.7-10: Marriage Wall Piers
Rule 5.06.8: Pier Spacing and Placement
Rule 5.06.8-1: Placement of Door and Window Support Piers
Rule 5.06.8-2: Placement of End Support Piers
Rule 5.06.8-3: Placement of Piers Under Concentrated Loads
Rule 5.06.8-4: Placement of Perimeter Support Piers
Rule 5.06.8-5: Piers for Homes Installed In Designated Flood Area
Rule 5.06.9: Installation Instructions for ABS Pads
Rule 5.06.10: Tie-downs
Rule 5.06.10-1: Single-wide Factory-Built Homes
Rule 5.06.10-2: Multi-Sectional Factory-Built Homes
Rule 5.06.10-3: Pan-Type Foundation Stabilizing Systems
Rule 5.06.10-4: Alternate Systems
Rule 5.06.10-5: Tie-Down Spacing and Sizes
Rule 5.06.11-1: Soil Classification of Anchors
Rule 5.06.11-2: Determining the Soil Class of Anchors
Rule 5.06.11-3: Preferred Soil Class Anchor
Rule 5.06.11-4: Proper Installation of Ground Anchors
​Rule 5.07: Official Notices and Bulletins
Rule 5.08: Severability
Rule 5.09: Repeal of Emergency Regulations
Rule 5.10: Effective Date